Nearly 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce. If you've tried to make your marriage work but have been unsuccessful or if you've been served with divorce papers, let's discuss your legal options to best protect your interests and to help you make a clean break.
The State of Florida uses the term "timesharing" when referencing the custodial placement of parties' minor children. Barring specific and limited exceptions, both parents are entitled to equal timesharing of the parties' minor children in common.
Children are a gift from God but they are not without expense. As the children grow, expenses for their education, nourishment, shelter and well-being increase. If you need assistance with establishing child support or defending against a child support case, do not hesitate to contact us for your free consultation.
Florida does not use the term: "Restraining Order" and instead uses the term: "Injunction" for Court Orders prohibiting one person from having contact with another in certain instances. If you need assistance with requesting an injunction OR defending against such a request, let us go to work for you. These are serious matters that can have lasting consequences.
Circumstances and situations change with time and what was ordered months or years ago by a Judge may no longer make sense or be practical. If you need assistance with making a formal request that a Court Order be modified in a Domestic Relations (Family Law) case, give us a call and let's discuss your legal options, free of charge.
In many instances, what has already been court-ordered is only enforceable if you motion the court to either hold the non-complying party in contempt or move the court to enforce the court's previous court order. If you need help with this, give us a call.
Our firm represents both Landlords and Tenants in real estate disputes and eviction cases. If you've been served with eviction papers or are a Landlord seeking to evict a non-compliant Tenant, give us a call for your free consultation. Time is of the essence here so do not delay, call us today!
Are you facing foreclosure or the threat of foreclosure? If so, there's a laundry list of defenses to foreclosure cases. Did you know that the majority of mortgage companies want to anything to NOT have to foreclose on the property? You have options. Call us today to talk strategy and what options are best for you moving forward to protect real property from foreclosure.
The reality is that we live in a litigious society. People are looking for anyway to better themselves financially, even if it is at your expense. We are inundated with advertisements by Plaintiffs' attorneys on the television and on billboards that broadcast the big-money results those Plaintiffs' attorneys achieve for their Clients. Do you want to be on the paying end of those advertisements? No?
Then you'd better lawyer-up!
In many a civil case there are insurance companies involved and the defense lawyer is often times representing the insurance company. In such instances, that lawyer is acting to further the best interests of their Client, the insurance company, and NOT the best interests of the individual JOHN Q. CITIZEN Defendant. Do not let an insurance defense attorney leave you out in the cold for the betterment of their Client, the insurance company.
Call our firm for a free consultation to see about getting a lawyer to advocate for your best interests.
Why would a person who has been named a Defendant in a civil lawsuit allow a defense lawyer that represents that person's insurance company and NOT that person defend a civil lawsuit? Most of the time the answer is money. If you are in need of an affordable, reasonably priced attorney to protect your interests, help is a phone call away. Please call our firm today for your free consultation and let's talk about protecting you ASAP.